The BSE SENSEX is a free-float market-weighted stock market index that includes 30 established, financially sound companies. It is based on the shares of these companies that trade on the Bombay Stock Exchange. This index has a very low trading volume and is an excellent investment tool. It is also known as the “Sensex” for a reason. You can use it to make informed investments.
The Sensex has a rich history. Initially, it was called the ‘BSE Sensitive Index’ and was compiled in 1986. The BSE Sensitive Index was trading at about 750 points in 1989. In fact, the term SENSEX is a portmanteau of ‘Sensitive’ and ‘Index’. Today, it is widely reported on domestic and global markets and has become a household name.
The Sensex is an index that represents the value of stocks traded on the BSE. It is a leading stock market index and has increased in value by over 25 times since June 1990. It is also considered one of the most reliable indicators of future market performance. If you’re considering investing in the Sensex, it’s important to learn as much as you can about its history before making an informed decision. The S&P BSE SENSEX is now a prominent brand in India.
The Sensex is the symbol of the stock market in India. In 1992, the S&P BSE Sensitive Index reached an all-time high of 18,280. It took eight trading sessions to reach this point. That is the fastest one-day rise by a thousand points in history. That is why the SENSEX is a great investment tool. It can give you a good return on investment.
The SENSEX has grown over 25 times since its inception. The Sensex is a popular brand in the Indian stock market. However, there are some factors that you should be aware of before investing in it. The S&P BSE SENSEX was founded in 1987 and is widely followed in the domestic markets. There is a good reason for this, so read on!
The SENSEX has grown in popularity since it crossed the 16,000-mark on 19 September 2007. This is because of the rate cut by Fed chief Ben Bernanke on the S&P SENSEX in September 2006. While the SENSEX has risen since then, it has never surpassed the 2,000-mark. And it continues to do so with its own unique set of metrics. But despite these challenges, the SENSEX has become a popular brand in India.
The Sensex is calculated using a free-float capitalization method. This method uses the free-float method to calculate the index. The market capitalization of a company is considered when calculating the SENSEX. In this way, the SENSEX gives more weight to the largest companies. The SENSEX is a good indicator of the health of the economy. And it is easy to follow the index in the case of the SENSEX.